Sunday 18 March 2012

University: Third Year (2010 - 2011)

My final year of study was highly focused. We had three projects, Futures, Dissertation and Major Project.

Futures - We had to come up with a character that represented ourselves, to be made into a vinyl figure type character. Mine was called Fran.K and it's features were a Knight helmet, a pony tail and Tap Shoes.

Dissertation - My dissertation was titled 'Why are interactive products so important in our lifestyle?'. It explored how we as a humans have come to rely on our interactive gadgets, and what this may result in.

San Jose State University
Art and Design Building
Major Project - We had a choice of two routes to take, either a collaborative project with San Jose State University and Philadelphia University in America, or a solo project. I initially chose to be part of the collaboration, coming up with ideas under the theme of 'Play'.
However after some thought I decided to continue with a project from second year, which my tutors and I decided would be a better project, as I could take it through to manufacture. This meant I would be doing a solo project, but would also be able to make contributions to some of the collaborative projects.

The Studio, San Jose

San Jose, Philadelphia and
Lincoln Students
We visited San Jose State University in California, to continue with the collaborative projects. We stayed with American students and lived like american students for a week. We also visited design consultancies - Whipsaw, in San Jose, and Frog Design and Astro in San Francisco.

Janet Ravens School of Dance,

During my final year of study I also took my Advanced 2 Tap exam, and took part in two dancing shows. I decided not to compete with the Cheerleading squad as I wanted to focus on my work, but I still attended training sessions when I could!

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