Monday 26 March 2012

Milk Light - Exhibition - International Contemporary Furniture Fair - New York - May 2011

After the trip back from Milan, it was time to do a quick turn around to get a couple of the products ready for shipping to America. The Milk Light was chosen to travel so a new crate was made and it was packed up and shipped to New York. A couple of weeks later I followed it, and arrived in New York on the second day of the exhibition (Unfortunately I was unable to get there earlier as my Dissertation was due in!)

We were there for the remaining days of the exhibition. The atmosphere at this exhibition was completely different to Milan. There seemed to be more people to talk to, but this may have been because everyone spoke English! It was also a lot smaller and there were less University stands, so it felt like we were actually part of the design companies exhibition. The great thing about this exhibition was that I got to meet people I had been talking to via email from the IDSA (Industrial Designers Society of America)

Mbrela Products in New York

Denrug - Created by Becky Field, Vincent Pascual, Brenden Feucht, Greg Sunderman and Joseph Rimmer

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