Tuesday 24 April 2012

Newspaper Tables - Phase 1

Designing a table out of paper, was a challenge set in my first year or study. We had to create 2 tables, one out of paper and one out of another material, they had to be the same size, have the same structure and be the same weight.

I decided to create mine out of paper sticks, made by me, using a special machine borrowed form a local Girl Guide Group. I had first made these when I was a member of the Guiding community, and remembered how strong they were and how easy they were to produce.

After creating the sticks out of newspaper, I searched for a material that would be a similar weight and structure. I decided to use wooden dowelling, just over 10mm in diameter, and cut them to the length of the newspaper sticks.

I used string as my bonding agent and tied the sections together in the same way for both tables.

Same size, same structure, same weight.

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