Tuesday 24 April 2012

Newspaper Tables - Phase 2 - ARTicle

I decided to re-visit my idea of newspaper tables recently. Getting the idea from a competition brief, which asked you to design a product relating to a film from your continent. It gave a list of films, of which I chose Notting Hill.

After watching and analysing the film, I decided to create a new table design out of newspaper, as the press is a dominant feature throughout the whole movie.

I wanted to give the table a slightly stronger feel, with a more modern style, which relates to the relationship between the two main characters.

The curved edge represents the female,
and the straight edge portrays the male.
The newspaper sticks are drilled and
steel rod passes through to support the structure.

ARTicle - Scene

Newspaper Tables - Phase 1

Designing a table out of paper, was a challenge set in my first year or study. We had to create 2 tables, one out of paper and one out of another material, they had to be the same size, have the same structure and be the same weight.

I decided to create mine out of paper sticks, made by me, using a special machine borrowed form a local Girl Guide Group. I had first made these when I was a member of the Guiding community, and remembered how strong they were and how easy they were to produce.

After creating the sticks out of newspaper, I searched for a material that would be a similar weight and structure. I decided to use wooden dowelling, just over 10mm in diameter, and cut them to the length of the newspaper sticks.

I used string as my bonding agent and tied the sections together in the same way for both tables.

Same size, same structure, same weight.